Andrea Bennett

Book: Galina Petrovna’s Three-Legged Dog Story


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Genre: Humour, Picaresque

Publisher: Borough Press

Publication date(s): Hardback 12th Feb 2015, Paperback 27th August 2015


Andrea Bennett was born in Livingston, Scotland in 1969. She grew up in the Midlands, and graduated from Sheffield University in Russian and History in the early 1990s. She then spent a good part of that decade - the “Yeltsin Era” - working in Moscow as a translator, and having adventures. She returned to the UK to continue her adventures and has worked in a variety of jobs, including as a civil servant, a local government officer and a charity manager. “Galina Petrovna’s Three-Legged Dog Story” was Andrea’s first attempt at a novel, and she was thrilled when it was accepted for publication by Borough Press via their “Open Submission” competition of spring 2014, when any un-agented and un-published writer could submit a manuscript direct to the publishers for consideration.


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Twitter handle@andreawiderword

Location: Ramsgate, Kent

Writer Superpowers

Specialist subjects: New writer / un-agented writer / won Borough Press open submission competition / Russia 1990 - to present / caring for a child with severe disability (my elder son, who is 17, was born with a CHARGE syndrome, so he is deaf/blind and has severe learning difficulties and ASD) / modern family life / cultural regeneration of English coastal towns e.g. Margate, Whitstable, Folkestone / niche travel (Russia, Baltic States, Ukraine, Central Asia, St Helena, South Africa)

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